Meet The Executive Team

Cecilia Garcia
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
My name is Maria Cecilia. I was born in San Carlos, Uruguay, a place between the sea and the countryside. I emigrated to the United States at twenty in search of adventures that brought me directly to my current reality. Twenty years later as a mother of two, owner of my own business, and having reached the American dream, I found myself on an adventure in Cuba. It was a perfect night, the ideal company, in the house of the Trova in Trinidad, and my companion asked me: If you could ask for an unlimited desire, what would it be? Without hesitation, I answered: One Hundred Angels per child. I would like each child to have at his or her side One Hundred Angels that protect them, that accompany them, that guide them, that love them.
We seek to support the missions that are already at work in this field. We seek to carry out new missions. We seek to bring comfort and dignity to the communities most in need. We seek to leave a better world than what we have found. This is my mission and I know that many of you share this, too. Let’s work on it together.
Bonnie Simmons
Chief Operating Officer​
My name is Bonnie Simmons, and I have spent my life dedicated to service and community-driven projects. At nineteen, I began managing a group home for teen mothers in foster care, which ignited my passion for creating positive change. Over the years, I have led initiatives ranging from campaigns to provide food and shelter for the unhoused, building homes in Mexico, to supporting victims of domestic violence. I also founded a community forum in downtown Phoenix that brought together people from various political and economic backgrounds for meaningful conversations around progressive change.
In 2018, my focus pivoted toward working with asylum-seeking and immigrant populations. I managed a shelter that welcomed hundreds of families each month, providing them with crucial support and resources during some of their most vulnerable moments. This work is now central to my mission, blending humanitarian outreach with my lifelong commitment to fostering compassionate and resilient communities. Above all, I am a proud mother of five amazing children.

Chandra Goff
Chief Medical Officer
My name is Chandra Goff, and I am a PA-C practicing urgent care medicine in Phoenix. A native of this city, I graduated from Arizona State University in 2009 with a degree in Biology & Society and a minor in Mandarin Chinese. In 2014, I earned my Master of Medical Science from Yale School of Medicine. After practicing in California, I moved back to Phoenix in 2018, the same year I began volunteering with One Hundred Angels. My commitment to service goes back to childhood when I started serving food at shelters with my Grandma Fran at just five years old. I’m passionate about kindness, community, science, hiking, and enjoying time with family and friends.
Sayra Navarro
Director of Operations
My name is Sayra Navarro and I have been working with One Hundred Angels since 2018. I was actively involved in managing the pop-up medical clinics in the shelters for two years and visited up to three shelters a day to provide basic medical care and over-the-counter medication to asylum-seeking families. In those first couple years, we provided care to over 18,000 people which was incredibly rewarding and impactful. I am now responsible for ensuring that all supplies are received, packed, and distributed to each of our ten shelters, daily. I have also been a part of our international missions and have been a witness to how this organization has grown over the last six years.