We purchase rain collection water tanks for rural communities in El Salvador where the lack of public services is the norm. We have identified several communities in desperate need of this essential resource. They have reached out and made the request. With your help we can answer the call.
These families are having to acquire water from a river daily, which is over a half hour walk from their homes. Once the water is collected in jugs, buckets, and cans they then have to haul this water back to their home. During the summer months with rising temperatures, they are leaving their homes as early as 3:00 in the morning to collect this necessary resource for their families. When the water is not available in the river they must purchase water for their families, which is ultimately an economic burden.
As an organization we enter the homes of the most vulnerable communities; we experience their needs and efforts. We listen to their requests. And, we create real and effective solutions to improve their quality of life, in hopes that our efforts give them the opportunity to choose to stay home.
What happens to them, happens to all of us. We have witnessed first-hand many reasons for migration. This is not something families choose to do for pleasure but solely for necessity.
One Hundred Angels has donated 150 tanks in the last three years, impacting 600 people in this region. Join us today by donating to provide water collection tanks for families who have no access to clean water or basic human needs.
Become an Angel and together let’s change the world.

El Huatalon is a recently established community, built on a government property now transferred and owned by the City hall of Berlin, Usulután, El Salvador. The new residents are slowly moving to their parcels and many have started to build their homes made with lamina, wood or plastic. At this time 4 wells are providing water to the members of the community, one “cantaro” at a time (4.5 gallons approximately). They have 24 meters of depth and use a handmade “rope pump” for buckets of water. The rain collection water tanks that OHA donates to the families are best used to store this essential resource.
The families can store the water from the well, and have the opportunity to collect rain water in the rainy season. Please consider being the Angel who brings water to these families. $250 purchases a rain collection water tank for a family of 4.
Donate to our Water Tank Mission today!