About Us
One Hundred Angels was established in 2018 with a goal to bring comfort and dignity to rural communities in need. This journey started with a medical mission to El Salvador and we have now completed 17 international missions, along with five ongoing missions, serving six countries, and impacting over 100,000 people in the last six years. OHA seeks to support missions that are already at work in this field, as well as to carry out new missions that will promote comfort and wellbeing to communities that are underserved. Whether it’s an ongoing mission that we serve daily, an international mission that’s coordinated monthly or annually, or emergent action needed due to a crisis, we seek to leave a better world than what we have found.

One Hundred Angels has served these communities for 6 years.
Our mission in now more clear than ever:
We are transforming communities through service and education by providing comfort to populations in need through physical, emotional and spiritual care. Click through the following slides to see what we've accomplished.
We earned a 2023 Gold Seal with Candid! Check out our Nonprofit Profile to learn more and make a difference with your support!
Click the image to see our profile >>
Our Core Values

Treating all partners with honor, equality, and dignity. Behaving with esteem and honesty while upholding ethical and responsible motives in all of our humanitarian endeavors.
Consistently striving to provide assistance with kindness and flexibility in a thorough, timely, and proactive way that we can be proud of.
We make no discrimination as to nationality, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, class, sexuality, gender, or political opinions. We endeavor to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs.
Our investment of generosity is inestimable. We want our team to be generous in helping each other grow, while also striving to help communities, organizations, and partnerships feel abundantly supported by our efforts.
We are committed to behaving with compassion and understanding, which enables us to make connections and build bridges between communities in need and with those who are willing to offer support.
With vulnerability and intention, we are determined to provide security and aid to individuals and communities who are the least supported among us.
Diversity Statement
We are committed to providing an inclusive and equitable environment for all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, class, political affiliation, or any other protected status. We endeavor to relieve the suffering of individuals solely by their needs, free from discrimination.